Thursday 5 January 2017

Sneezing: Symptoms & Prevention

Sneezing is your body’s way of removing irritants from your nose or throat. Sneezing is reflex reaction that usually occurs with the common cold, flu, inhaling an allergen or even just tickly dust irritating the inside of your nose. Either way, the point of a sneeze is to try and get whatever’s bothering the inside of your nose out. A sneeze is an involuntary and powerful expulsion of air and often happens suddenly and without warning. Another name for sneezing is sternutation. Sneezing is the act of expelling a sudden and uncontrollable burst of air through the nose and mouth.

Many environmental triggers can lead to sneezing, including air pollutants, pollen, dry air, and dust. Spicy foods can sometimes cause sneezing. Allergies, colds, and the flu are common causes of sneezing. Drug withdrawal, emotions, and certain medications are less common causes of sneezing. Some people may sneeze as a reaction to exposure to bright light (known as a photic sneeze reflex). When you breathe in, you take in more than oxygen. You can breathe in dust, allergens, bacteria and viruses floating around in the air.

Sometimes something you breathe in will irritate the inside of your nose. Things like dust or dirt will tickle the mucus membranes that line your nose and throat. Whatever irritating thing you breathed in will stimulate nerves inside your nasal passage. Signals are then sent to your brain to trigger a reflex reaction (a sneeze).

Depending upon the reason for the sneezing, other symptoms can also occur, including
  • burning, itchy, or watery eyes,
  • nasal congestion, or runny nose,
  • sore throat,
  • cough,
  • fever,
  • chills. 
Other signs and symptoms that may be present along with a persistent sneezing includes:
  • Runny nose (rhinitis)
  • Itchy nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Diminished or loss of smell (hyposmia, anosmia)
  • Redness of the nares (nostrils)
  • Watery eyes (excessive lacrimation)
  • Red eyes, blood shot eyes
  • Itchy eyes or nose 
Ways to reduce sneezing
If your sneezing is caused by an infection, like a cold or the flu, it will likely clear up within a few days along with your other symptoms.

If your sneezing is caused by allergies, there are a few precautionary steps you can take:
  • Minimize your exposure to things you know will trigger your allergies, 
  • Keeping your home dry with a dehumidifier 
  • Bathing your pets regularly with an anti-dander shampoo 
  • Reducing dust and mold in your home 
  • Removing plants that make your symptoms worse
  • Avoid outdoor tasks like cutting the grass or raking leaves

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